To the sister I never knew I had

October, 2009. I was only a shell of the person I am now. Back at boring home, feeling more alone than I've ever felt before in my life. No job, no projects, no own house; basically just no own life. Just tons of time to kill doing nothing with no one.

Now I know. I had to be there, at that moment in my life, at that moment in your life. To find you. To get to know you. To show you the real me. To find that there's more joy in doing stupid stuff with someone you really care for, and connect with, than I ever knew there was. To find that what I always thought was actually true: there was someone out there, just like me, exactly like me, who understood me just as well as I understood her. Who was me in her, and her in me.

Everything happens for a reason. For me, the reason was getting to know one of the most amazing people I've ever had the luck to meet and have in my life.

Can you feel that? It's me, thinking of you. Even though I'm not close to you, you know I still am.

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Antes de irte, me gustaría que dejases algo más que las huellas de tus zapatos sobre el polvo...